Monday, March 14, 2011

My School Memories

Welcome to our School Reunion Website

It had been many years since we had passed out of the great BHPV School. 

One of my deep desire was to get all of us together at a forum and share our past experiences and cherish old memories. However, years went by and could not attempt to do this herculean task. But now it seems possible with many of you already in the group and few left to make an entry and complete the number with all our Class Sections of A,B & C.
One big support of my above statement is birth of this Our School Reunion website.

At the outset would like to thank our Harsha, Nandan & Rajesh from the bottom of my heart for roping us all together at-least in this electronic communication. Rest assured, we all would certainly love to meet each other 
at our good old BHPV School, VIKRAM Block on 5th September 2011 
and relish the moments on that day.

Please note that on the D'
day of REUNION, we would all be completing 25 solid years since our leaving the school. 

To handle  yourself use your Head  and  to handle others use your Heart................PMB

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" RUMPELSTILTSKIN" Remember this gold spinning fairy tale ??

"Today I bake, tomorrow I brew,
Then, dear prince, I come for you.
None can guess, none can claim
That Rumpelstiltskin is my name"